Collection Items: public.model


Number of matching items: 1
Number of returned items: 1
Page: of

ID backbone_size cls_map epochs file_path id instance_f1 layers name pixel_f1 scale thresholds tile_width_m tile_width_px type update_time zoom_level
1 101 {'0': 'BACKGROUND', '1': 'INFRA', '2': 'NATURAL', '3': 'VESSEL'} 122 experiments/2023_10_05_02_22_46_4cls_rnxt101_pr512_px1024_680min_maskrcnn_wd01/ 1 0.47 ['VV', 'INFRA', 'VESSEL'] ResNext 101 hires56 0.461 2 {'pixel_nms_thresh': 0.4, 'bbox_score_thresh': 0.2, 'poly_score_thresh': 0.2, 'pixel_score_thresh': 0.2, 'groundtruth_dice_thresh': 0.0} 40844 512 MASKRCNN 2023-11-22T04:15:49.082262 9